; Lissajous variation 1 by Samuel Kilchenmann

repeat 360 [setxy (sin(2 * repcount)) * 150 (sin(3 * repcount)) * 150]
; From http://utdallas.edu/~veerasam/logo/

setpensize 5
repeat 30 [setpencolor random 16 fd random 200 rt 90]
to square :length
  repeat 4 [forward :length right 90]
to flower
  repeat 36 [right 10 square 50]
; Program from http://utdallas.edu/~veerasam/logo/

to tree :level :size :turn
  if :level > 0 [
    fd :size
    lt :turn
    tree :level - 1 :size * 0.9 :turn - 3
    rt  :turn
    rt :turn
    tree :level - 1 :size * 0.9 :turn - 3
    lt :turn
    pu bk :size pd

back 200
tree 12 40 25
; Moire by Yehuda Katz
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html
repeat 180 [fd 500 bk 500 rt 2]
; Pentahexagon program by M.H. Elhefni
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html
repeat 5 [repeat 6 [fd 100 lt 72] lt 144]
; A different tree taken from
; http://utdallas.edu/~veerasam/logo/

to tree :level :size
   if :level > 0 [
      setpensize :level/2
      if :level < 3 [
        setpencolor 10
      if :level >= 3 [
        setpencolor 0
      fd :size
      lt 10
      tree :level-1 :size*0.8
      rt 10
      rt 30
      tree :level-1 :size*0.8
      lt 30
      back :size

; this code just to put turtle at bottom
back 200

tree 13 60
; Lissajous variation 4 by Samuel Kilchenmann

repeat 360 [setxy (sin(327 * repcount)) * 150 (sin(66 * repcount)) * 150]
; Hypercube program by Frak Caggiano from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html
repeat 8 [repeat 4 [rt 90 fd 100] bk 100 lt 45] ; comment at eol
repeat 10 [ right 36.0 repeat 5 [ forward 54 right 72.0]]
; Designs 1-5 program by Alex Mylonas' class
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

;repeat 36 [fd 60 rt 61 bk 80 lt 41 fd 85 rt 41]
repeat 16 [fd 85 lt 60 fd 107 bk 72 lt 53 fd 74]
;repeat 100 [fd 5 + repcount rt 45 fd 10 + repcount rt 60]
;repeat 36 [repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 10] fd repcount rt 90 fd repcount]
;repeat 18 [repeat 5 [rt 40 fd 100 rt 120] rt 20]
; Kite and Dart Tiles by Dr Adam Chalcraft
; from http://drj11.github.io/curlylogo/gallery/

to dart :x
pd lt 36 fd :x rt 144 fd :x * 0.618033988 lt 36 fd :x * 0.618033988 rt 144 fd :x rt 144
to kite :x
pd lt 36 fd :x rt 108 fd :x * 0.618033988 rt 36 fd :x * 0.618033988 rt 108 fd :x rt 144
to dartn :n :x
if :n == 0 [dart :x stop]
kiten :n - 1 :x * 0.618033988 lt 144 pu bk :x dartn :n - 1 :x * 0.618033988 pu fd :x rt 144
to lkiten :n :x
lt 36 pu fd :x rt 144 kiten :n :x * 0.618033988 lt 144 pu bk :x rt 36
to rkiten :n :x
rt 36 pu fd :x lt 144 kiten :n :x * 0.618033988 rt 144 pu bk :x lt 36
to kiten :n :x
if :n == 0 [kite :x stop]
lt 36 dartn :n - 1 :x * 0.618033988 rt 36 lkiten :n - 1 :x rkiten :n - 1 :x
pu rt 90 fd 250 lt 90 bk 1500 dartn 9 3000
; Five Rose program by Paolo Passaro
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/fiverosedetails.html

repeat 1800 [rt repcount fd 10 lt repcount fd 5 rt repcount rt .1]
; Random squares from
; http://utdallas.edu/~veerasam/logo/

to sq :size
   repeat 4 [
          fd :size
          rt 90

repeat 20 [
  setpencolor random 16
  setpensize random 5
  sq random 200
  rt random 360
; Designs 1-5 program by Alex Mylonas' class
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

;repeat 36 [fd 60 rt 61 bk 80 lt 41 fd 85 rt 41]
;repeat 16 [fd 85 lt 60 fd 107 bk 72 lt 53 fd 74]
repeat 100 [fd 5 + repcount rt 45 fd 10 + repcount rt 60]
;repeat 36 [repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 10] fd repcount rt 90 fd repcount]
;repeat 18 [repeat 5 [rt 40 fd 100 rt 120] rt 20]
; Designs 1-5 program by Alex Mylonas' class
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

;repeat 36 [fd 60 rt 61 bk 80 lt 41 fd 85 rt 41]
;repeat 16 [fd 85 lt 60 fd 107 bk 72 lt 53 fd 74]
;repeat 100 [fd 5 + repcount rt 45 fd 10 + repcount rt 60]
;repeat 36 [repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 10] fd repcount rt 90 fd repcount]
repeat 18 [repeat 5 [rt 40 fd 100 rt 120] rt 20]
; Polygon variation 1 by Paolo Passaro
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

repeat 4 [repeat 30 [lt 90 fd 4 rt 90 fd 4] rt 90]
; Brownian Motion by Erez Katz
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

repeat 10000 [fd 3 * ((-1) + random 2) rt 90 * random 4]
; Polygon variation 2 by Paolo Passaro
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

repeat 4 [repeat 20 [lt 160 fd 20 rt 160 fd 20] rt 90]
; Tadpole Chaos program
; from http://drj11.github.io/curlylogo/gallery/

to inspin :side :angle :inc :n
repeat :n [ fd :side rt :angle + :inc * repcount ]
inspin 2 2 3.14159265359  22222
; Rose variation 1 by Keith Enevoldsen
repeat 180 [seth repcount fd 200 * sin repcount*7 home]
to sawtooth
  right   45
  forward 56.56 ; this is an comment at the end of a line
  left    135
  forward 40
  right   90

to sawblade
  repeat 12 [ sawtooth right 30 ]

; Designs 1-5 program by Alex Mylonas' class
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

repeat 36 [fd 60 rt 61 bk 80 lt 41 fd 85 rt 41]
;repeat 16 [fd 85 lt 60 fd 107 bk 72 lt 53 fd 74]
;repeat 100 [fd 5 + repcount rt 45 fd 10 + repcount rt 60]
;repeat 36 [repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 10] fd repcount rt 90 fd repcount]
;repeat 18 [repeat 5 [rt 40 fd 100 rt 120] rt 20]
to fern :size :sign
  if :size < 1  [ stop ]
  fd :size
  rt 70 * :sign fern :size * 0.5 :sign * (-1) lt 70 * :sign
  fd :size
  lt 70 * :sign fern :size * 0.5 :sign rt 70 * :sign
  rt 7 * :sign fern :size - 1 :sign lt 7 * :sign
  bk :size * 2

;; this code just to start turtle off in lower left corner
bk 200
lt 90
fd 100
rt 90

fern 25 1
; Fanblade program from http://fmslogo.sourceforge.net/workshop/getting-started.shtml
to fanblade
  repeat 2 [
    forward 100
    right   135
    forward 20
    right   45

to fan
  repeat 8 [
    left    135
    forward 20

; Lissajous variation 2 by Samuel Kilchenmann

repeat 360 [setxy (sin(89 * repcount)) * 150 (sin(179 * repcount)) * 150]
; Ellipse program by Paolo Passaro
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html
; The eccentricity is e=0.5. If e = 0 you have a circle and if
; e < 0 or e > 0 you have an ellipse horizontal or vertical
repeat 360 [rt repcount fd 1 lt repcount * 2 fd 0.5 rt repcount]
; Fan Flower by Keith Enevoldsen

fd 100
repeat 12 [repeat 75 [fd 100 bk 100 rt 2] fd 250]
; Designs 1-5 program by Alex Mylonas' class
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

;repeat 36 [fd 60 rt 61 bk 80 lt 41 fd 85 rt 41]
;repeat 16 [fd 85 lt 60 fd 107 bk 72 lt 53 fd 74]
;repeat 100 [fd 5 + repcount rt 45 fd 10 + repcount rt 60]
repeat 36 [repeat 36 [fd 10 rt 10] fd repcount rt 90 fd repcount]
;repeat 18 [repeat 5 [rt 40 fd 100 rt 120] rt 20]
; Dahlia program by David Eisenstat
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

repeat 8 [rt 45 repeat 6 [repeat 90 [fd 2 rt 2] rt 90]]

; The 6 can be replaced with 1 to 7 for other flowers.
; For numbers greater than 7, the patterns repeat.
; This will work without modification in absolutely all Logo implementations.
; Slalom Scrolls

repeat 2000 [
       fd 5
       rt (90 * sin repcount)
; Feathers by Marian Rosen

;repeat 12 [repeat random 50 [fd 100 bk 95 rt 2] rt 180]
repeat 50 [repeat random 100 [fd 300 bk 295 rt 2] rt 180]
; Ten Rose program by Paolo Passaro
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/fiverosedetails.html

repeat 3600 [ fd 10 rt repcount + .2 ]
repeat 4 [ forward 100 right 90.0 ]
to tree :size
   if :size < 5 [forward :size back :size stop]
   forward :size/3
   left 30 tree :size*2/3 right 30
   forward :size/6
   right 25 tree :size/2 left 25
   forward :size/3
   right 25 tree :size/2 left 25
   forward :size/6
   back :size
tree 150
; Lissajous variation 3 by Samuel Kilchenmann

repeat 360 [setxy (sin(254 * repcount)) * 150 (sin(201 * repcount)) * 150]
repeat 5 [ forward 100 right 144.0 ]
; Samanid Mancala program taken from http://drj11.github.io/curlylogo/gallery/
setpencolor 9 pu bk 100 pd setpensize 8
repeat 7 [ fd 200 rt 360 * 1.5 / 7 fd 80 rt 360 * 1.5 / 7 ]
; Polygon variation 3 by Paolo Passaro
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

repeat 8 [repeat 20 [lt 170 fd 20 rt 170 fd 20] rt 45]
; Koch Curve program from
; http://utdallas.edu/~veerasam/logo/

to kochCurve :level :size
  if :level < 1 [ fd :size stop ]
  kochCurve :level - 1 :size / 3
  lt 60
  kochCurve :level - 1 :size / 3
  rt 120
  kochCurve :level - 1 :size / 3
  lt 60
  kochCurve :level - 1 :size / 3

rt 90
kochCurve 4 200
; Dragon curve program based on
;   http://drj11.github.io/curlylogo/gallery/
; which is adapted from Turtle Geometry: The Computer as a Medium for
; Exploring Mathematics
; by Harold Abelson and Adrea diSessa

to ldragon :size :level
   if :level == 0 [
    fd :size
   ldragon :size :level - 1
   lt 90
   rdragon :size :level - 1

to rdragon :size :level
   if :level == 0 [
   fd :size
   ldragon :size :level - 1
   rt 90
   rdragon :size :level - 1
; we don't support the next command yet
; cs setpw 1
pu fd 0.5 rt 90 fd 0.5 pd

ldragon 2 13
; Head program by Keith Enevoldsen
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html

repeat 38 [fd 5 rt 10]
setx 55
setx 27
setxy 20 (-10)
setx 27
; Roses program by Paolo Passaro
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/fiverosedetails.html

to roses :l :n :k
; l is the step size
; n is the number of roses
; k is the order
repeat 360 * :n [
       fd :l
       rt  repcount + ((2 * :k - :n) / ( 2 * :n))
;roses 5 5 3
;roses 5 7 3
;roses 5 10 7
roses 5 12 5
; Starfish Program by Paolo Passaro and Julie Clune
; from http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/15wordcontest.html
; and http://www.mathcats.com/gallery/fiverosedetails.html

repeat 1800 [fd 10 rt repcount + .1 ]
; Eye by Paolo Passaro

repeat 1800 [fd ln repcount bk 10*sin repcount rt 10]